Thursday, August 16, 2007

Kerry told me to update my blog, so here goes . . . Today I got my hair cut and a manicure. My brother Ron came over to show me his new car - a red convertible "Nwe Generation Camero". He gave me and Renata and Waldo a ride in it. It is really cherry!! (Does that date me or what?) I also bought a wedding gift for tomorrow's wedding. I will post info about the wedding after the fact. It might be a while after, because on Sat. I need to help clean the church, and then go to a softball tournament that my brother Dale is in. I'm looking forward to that. It should be fun. I had no damage from Monday night's storm. But the wind sure blew hard, the rain came down sideways, and we had a little pea sized hail that melted before the rain finished. I love storms, but my Aunt Hilda was here and she was a little spooked by it all. Oh, also today, I forgot about a therapy appt. I should have gone to this morning. I told Kerry that I don't really need that therapy anyway. It is for the brain damage from the accident. But since I forgot, does that mean that I really DO need it after all?? Sometimes I get so confused.

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