Saturday, September 20, 2008

I copied this from my daughter-in-law's blog (with a few minor changes) Just bold the items you have done. If you haven't done the item, just leave it alone. 1. Bought everyone in the pub/bar a drink 2. Climbed a mountain 3. Held a tarantula 4. Taken a morning shower with your man 5. Been in love 6. Broken someone’s heart 7. Had your heart broken 8. Done a striptease 9. Bungee jumped 10. Watched a lightning storm at sea 11. Stayed up all night long, and watched the sun rise 12. Seen the Northern Lights 13. Gone to a huge sports game 14. Grown and eaten your own vegetables 15. Slept under the stars 16. Changed a baby’s diaper 17. Taken a trip in a hot air balloon 18. Watched a meteor shower 19. Gotten drunk on champagne 20. Given money to charity 21. Looked up at the night sky through a telescope 22. Had an uncontrollable giggling fit at the worst possible moment 23. Had a food fight (and guess who got to clean up the mess!) 24. Bet on a winning horse 25. Taken a sick day when you’re not ill-sometimes you're just sick of work! 26. Had a snowball fight 27. Photocopied your butt or any other intimate body part 28. Held a lamb 29. Gone skinny dipping 30. Taken an ice cold shower 31. Seen a total eclipse 32. Ridden a roller coaster-once was enough! 33. Hit a home run-I played ball a lot 34. Been arrested 35. Visited all 50 states 36. Taken care of someone who was drunk 37. Stolen a street/highway sign 38. Backpacked in Europe 39. Taken a road-trip 40. Taken a midnight walk on the beach 41. Gone sky diving 42. Milked a cow-too many to remember-every day for years 43. Alphabetized your records 44. Sung karaoke 45. Lounged around in bed all day 46. Gone scuba diving 47. Danced in the rain 48. Gone to a drive-in theater 49. Started a business 50. Gotten married 51. Been in a movie 52. Crashed a party 53. Gotten divorced 54. Been questioned by the police in a foreign country 55. Made cookies from scratch 56. Gotten a tattoo 57. Been on television (does a crowd shot count?) 58. Fallen asleep while driving 59. Got so drunk you don’t remember anything 60. Recorded music 61. Had too much to drink at a party 62. Bought a house 63. Accidentally put super glue where it it definitely did not belong 64. Been on a cruise ship 65. Spoken more than one language fluently 66. Bounced a check 67. Called or written your Congress person 68. Picked up and moved to another city to just start over 69. Sang loudly by yourself in the car 70. Wrote articles for a large publication 71. Piloted an airplane 72. Helped an animal give birth 73. Been fired or laid off from a job 74. Won money on a T.V. game show 75. Broken a bone 76. Ridden a motorcycle 77. Had a body part of yours below the neck pierced 78. Fired a rifle, shotgun, or pistol 79. Ridden a horse 80. Had major surgery 81. Ridden on a train 82. Slept through an entire flight: takeoff, flight, and landing 83. Visited more foreign countries than U.S. states 84. Visited all 7 continents 85. Eaten sushi 86. Had your picture in the newspaper 87. Para sailed 88. Changed your name 89. Dyed your hair 90. Been a DJ Well, I did 45 out of 90.and some of them were just work when I was a kid. And of course, I changed some of the more 'risque' ones

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Well, my townhouse is on the market. As soon as I receive the link to the pictures they took, I will put them here, or see if I can put a link on this. I am excited; but I realize it may not sell for months and months. I am trying to trust in the Lord to do what is best for me.
The realtor staged the place, so it is like l'm living in someone else's house. My bedroom is pretty much the same. I kept both my beds and my leather Lazy-Boy. Actually it's quite different than this picture. I got rid of the headboard and end tables and comfortor, turned the bed 90 degrees, and removed the curtains, shelves, and lamps. And my big TV is now in my bedroom too. So I think that will help me keep the downstairs neater and cleaner. I have never been know for my housekeeping abilities.
The office is MUCH, MUCH uncluttered than in this pic. See what I mean about my challenge with keeping things orderly?!!?
I made a chart of household duties to keep me on track. I hope it helps!

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Wow! It has been a long time since I posted. Kerry said it was. I survived the tornado in Hugo on Memorial Day. It actually touched down about a mile from me. We had terrific winds, rain, and hail. The workers are out in force in our complex replacing siding, roofs, and windows. I tried to move most of my patio stuff into the garage so when they get to my place it will be out of their way. I am planning to go to Portland and Longview on Thursday, June 5. I have a real estate agent lining up houses for me to look at. Then I have to come back to MSP around the 15th for some doctor appts. and MRI's. I think this will be done soon. I am learning to deal with the pain.

Saturday, May 10, 2008

It's finally Spring!! This pic is from last June, but the tree swallows are once again building their nest in one of my birdhouses. This one broke in the wind, so they are using a different one. The new one's hole is a bit smaller and it is funny to watch the chubby little birds trying to get through the hole with twigs and grass for the nest. I hope to get this old one fixed soon. I didn't post yesterday because I tried to work all day. I couldn't make it. I only survived until 1 pm then I had to have the office get someone to cover for me so I could go home and sleep for 2 1/2 hours. Yesterday evening I went to a movie with some people from church. It was "Ben Stein: Expelled." What an excellent documentary. I urge everyone to go see it.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

A Little Change of Pace

For a little while, I am going to be posting some daily devotions I find helpful. One (of many) of the virtues I am lacking in is perseverance, so I won't say how long I will continue to do this. But this morning I found these two to be especially helpful. The first one is from a book called :Believing in Myself, a Daily Devotional by Earnie Larsen and Carol Hegarty. Children will not remember you for the material things you provided, but for the feeling that you cherished them. Gail Grenier Sweet. More than one person's self-esteem has been dampened because, in comparing ourselves with other providing parents, we come up short. In a consumer society, value and love are often equated with "how much," "how often," and "how expensive." Yet the deeper truth is, material things rust and are soon put aside and forgotten. What abides are the memories of being loved. These precious recollections are the ones that we tuck away in the treasure box of our minds. We hang on to the times when we were made to feel special. Consider your own memories. Which are the sweetest? Chances are they have very little to do with things unless those things were genuine symbols of true caring. It's much more likely they had to do with a special nickname, a shared secret, a time when a parent was truly there for you. Our favorite birthday or Christmas memories are rarely about the things we received, but the warmth of caring behind the giving. Gifts from my heart are more valuable than gifts from my pocket. The next selection is from the April-June 2008, issue of Portals of Prayer FAITH TO BE HEALED Acts 14:8-10 Psalms 86:8-17 Mr Smith, a driving instructor, considered two of the boys he taught. Jared was ready to learn because he understood the risks; but LeRoy, who wanted to drive so badly, saw only fun, but little of the danger. St. Paul also evaluated those he instructed. Today's reading tells us that he observed one who "had faith to be made well." This does not mean that the man expected to be healed or that his faith was stronger than others. Rather, he was ready to make godly use of healing, that he would give God the glory, not take credit himself nor make a god out of Paul. Faith does not presume that God will give us what we want. Faith is confidence that God has given what we need in Christ. Whether we are given healing and a productive life or decline into a blessed death, faith accepts God's will in all things. This is why most Christians regect "faith healing." We humbly ask for healing in prayer, confident in God's compassion. Ane while our prayer is often granted without stage lights or a crowd, it is just as often answered with "wait" or even "no." This is to train us to pray with Jesus, "Not my will, but Yours, be done." (Luke 22:42) O Lord. give us faith to be healed in body and soul, and if it is Your will, grant us health for Your service. Amen

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Arizona Trip March 2008

Kyle, Lucas, Quinton, Valerie, and I went hiking in the desert near their home. It was a beautiful day, sunshine and the desert flowers were blooming. A lot of the flowers are so tiny you can't see them in this photo, but I took some close up pics of a few of them.
They are so delicate, considering the hostile and dry area in which they live. God's handiwork is amazing.
I also went to a spring training game with them. The game was between the Seattle Mariners and the AZ Diamondbacks. We sat in the grass behind center field, very enjoyable, but was a little hard on my back and neck after awhile. But I loved going. None of our party are in the pic, it is taken from where we sat.
I have to get ready to go have and MRI and an MRA done. Trying to get to the bottom of my constant headaches. Will try to post more later.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

The Weather is Beautiful!! No More Winter!

I am here in AZ with Quinton and family. We are going to a spring training game tonight between AZ Diamondbacks and the Seattle Mariners. It should be fun. The weather is beautiful. We will take jean jackets as it will probably go until about 9 p.m.
We did some hiking in the desert by their house. I will post some pictures after I get them downloaded.

Friday, March 7, 2008

The butterfly doesn't really m ean anything, except that my life is not very exciting and I'm eagerly awaiting springtime. I have had about as much snow and ice as I can handle. I can't seem to take Waldo out for a walk without falling. I'm not very steady on uneven or slippery ground.
I am looking forward to visiting Q, Val, and the boys for about 10 days. I know the time will got too fast and it will soon be time to go home again. But it will be so good to see them all again.
I haven't taught for over 2 weeks. I have had such a blooming headache for a week now, that I am getting pretty tired of the whole constant headache thing.
Last weed Judy, Paul, Renata, Rita, Gregg, Rick, Paula, and I went out to a very nice restaurant for "restuarant week" in Minneapolis (I tried to abreviate it but can't remember how!!). That is when many of the very high-class, pricey, resturants have special menues for half price. Half price was $47 each! But it was the best steak I have had, and plenty enough to fill everyone up. Many brought home boxes of leftovers. We had a nice time.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Back to Work

Yesterday I had no sub jobs for this week. Then suddenly I have jobs to work 1/2 day today and tomorrow, full day Friday, and 1/2 day next Tues. Hope I can do all of that. At least it is finally warm enough that the kids will be able to play outside at recess time. Those indoor days are too much!
Marilyn came over last night and we played 2 games of scrabble. She beat me both times. I used to be really good at that game. (I blamed it on the brain injury.) Guess I need more practice.

Monday, February 11, 2008

My Life in the Fast Lane

I promised Karla a new post, so here it is.
Yesterday was mine and Jim's 40th anniversary. My friend Marilyn and I went out to dinner. Friday Cheryl and I went to a movie, 27 Dresses and then to supper. They are trying to help me pull out of my depression.
I finally called my lawyer today to see what's happening. So he's going to e-mail Dr. M and get things going. I am so ready to get on with my life. I feel like I am stuck in a rut and can't get out.
It's been so cold out lately that I haven't even taken Waldo outside very much. He's pretty content to lie on the couch and snooze.
Today I did some mending: a blanket, some dog toys, and a rug. I've been working on my rowing machine, too. Figured exercise should help with my mood.
I've only been able to work 2 half days a week. That's all my stamina will allow. It's true what they say that Social Sec. isn't enough to make ends meet. I love teaching, I just wish I could handle more days to earn enough money.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

The Winter Blahs

Nothing much new here. Just wanted to let you all know that I am still alive and kicking (well, thinking about kicking, anyway. I'm not too active in this below zero weather.)
Painted my fingernails, . . . did a couple loads of laundry . . . took Waldo out for a couple of short walks . . .still have headaches all the time . . .
I work tomorrow - teach first grade in the afternoon.
Thursday I take Waldo to the groomer. He is so matted up. He likes his sweater, but it makes a mess of his hair!
Blah . . . Blah . . . Blah . . .
Some of the people I love. Thinking of them makes me feel better. Talking to them is even better!

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

More Pictures

I think my tests on Mon. came out good. I go back to see the dr. next Tue. to discuss the results. Then he will generate a report and send copies to me, my lawyer, and my main dr. It took me all day yesterday to recuperate from the day. I had to pass up a teaching job yesterday because I was so exhausted. Waldo is so sweet. He lets me sleep as much as I need. He takes a nap when I do.
Here are some more pictures from Kerry. Boys working hard :) Halloween 2007. Knights from different eras
Is she a cutie or what!? :)
Note to other kids - Send me pics of ALL my beautiful grandchildren and I will post them to show all the other relatives how lucky I am!

Saturday, January 12, 2008

More Holiday Fun

Waldo is checking out what Anna has in her hand. He discovered that Anna was often a good source for treats.
Molly loves Anna and lets her do anything at all to her. Anna was really upset when I wouldn't let her sit on Waldo's back like this (Anna weighs 25 lbs. and Waldo weighs 15 lbs!) She soon accepted the fact that Waldo like different kind of lovings - patting on the head and kisses (usually on Waldo's soft hair).
Anna painstakingly moved her toys, 1 by 1, from 1 laundry basket to this one, then dove in head first and squirmed her way around til she was sitting, and picked up a book to read for awhile. Of course, her blanket had to be there, too.
Anna has always liked her blanket, but became really attached to it after her ordeal in the hospital. She had that with during, and in between procedures, needles, etc., the blanket and Mom and Dad were there for comfort.
She is reading her favorite book Five Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed As someone reads it to her, when you come to the "bumped their head" part, she pokes herself on the head until you get close to "and the dr said" then she uses that pointer finger and shakes it like the dickens. Of course, that may only be cute to parents and grandmas, but then I'm her grandma. . .

Friday, January 11, 2008

Back in the Nest

I love visiting, especially family, but I sure do enjoy being in my own nest after a while away from home. I doesn't matter where that nest is, just so it is MY nest.
Ian and Sam looking at one of their presents, a Star Wars Book.
Here are a few pics from my vacation.
Anna is learning to dress herself!
Molly and Waldo had a great time. They became good buddies.

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Welcome to 2008 !!

I am almost at the end of visit to Kerry and Travis' families. We have had a great time. I spent the first week with Travis and Erica and boys. We attended church and holiday parties at Donna's, Sonja's, and Barb's. Lots of visiting and eating! Then Travis and Erica came to Kerry and Troy's for Christmas day. Troy made a turkey and HUGE roast. So we had lots of leftovers that Troy creatively turned into good stuff. For New Years Eve Waldo and I accompanied Kerry and her family to their friend's house about 1 1/2 hours away. We had a fun evening: there were 5 adults, 1 baby, 5 boys, 5 dogs, and 2 cats! Fun was had by ALL! Friday I will again be going to Travis and Erica's. I will fly back to MN on the red-eye Friday night. It has been so good to be with the kids and the grandkids again. Travis's oldest boy, Tanner, will be 13 on Feb 2. He is as tall as Travis - 6 feet! Russell was 7 in October. He is in 2nd grade. He enjoys taking piano lessons and is doing quite well. Tanner is in Jr. Hi. and quite the teenager. He got an MP3 (or something like that) player for Christmas, so he walks around with his ears plugged in all the time. Ian is in 5th grade. They don't have the opportunity to take keyboarding in their school in that grade, so he does it at home regularily as homework as it will come in handy when he is in middle school next year. He is a voracious reader. Right now he is at the library with his mom, at his choice. Sam is watching cartoons and Anna is asleep. Sam has a good teacher and he likes him a lot, but he does not like school. It come a bit difficult for him yet, and he doesn't like to work at it. We were practicing his flash cards the other day and he was struggling. I told him he could quit when he got 5 in a row correct. ZIP! The next 5 went through, all correct! And when considering spending his Barnes and Nobles gift card ($15) on something for $11, he quickly said, "But that will only leave me with $4 left! Anna is a peach. She was 1 on Aug. 22. Her main means of communication seems to be a high pitched squeal, followed by a pitiful covering of her eyes and breaking into heart-breaking sobs. She is beginning to see that that is not really as productive as she would like it to be. I got some good pictures of everyone (on Kerry's camera), so after she e-mails them to me, I will post some. Hope you all had happy holidays and that 2008 will be full of blessings for you and your loved ones.