Sunday, September 30, 2007

This has been a good week, filled with some interesting things. I got another letter from the 10 year old boy in Mexico that I am sponsoring. He is a sweet boy who loves soccer and wants to be a teacher when he grows up. His name is J0se'. I also helped clean the church this week. I can't do a whole lot, but it's fun to get together with the other 2 ladies and accomplish something (although Kathy and Celia work MUCH harder than I do). I also finally saw my regular doctor about scheduling another sleep study and another echo-cardiogram (I'm supposed to get one a year, but haven't since 2003?) Memory is failing, too! Friday I finally got called to sub. I taught Phy.Ed. at WBL Middle school. It was fun. They played "Capture the Football" so I was outside all day. It was a beautiful fall day-sunny and cool enough. Last period of the day was his Prep. time, so I was able to leave at 2:15. I was so-o-o-o tired when I got home. After taking Waldo for a walk (short one) I dozed on the couch till about 4:30 - with interruptions for a telephone survey, and another walk with Waldo. Then I got up . Went to bed at 9 p.m. and slept until 9:00 a.m. ( with a couple of wake-ups during the night. Saturday I mostly sat around and watched westerns on tv.

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