Friday, November 2, 2007

And Time Marches On. . .

I had my sleep study last night. The first half of the night I did not have a C-Pap machine on. I don't feel that I slept at all! My my restless legs were so active! About 1 or 2 am they put a C-Pap on me. In a little while I went to sleep and seemed to sleep well until about 6:15 am. I won't find out the results until Nov. 20th when I go to the doctor again. I think they will have to adjust the pressure on my machine. I just now purchased my airline ticket to go to Portland for Christmas. I will leave Msp on Dec. 15th and come back to Msp on Jan 5th. I am glad to have that completed. I should have done it sooner; I might have gotten a better deal. But I don't care how much I have to pay, I will go no matter what. And I will take Waldo with me. I have to call NWA reservations to see how to go about doing that. I hope to go down to Phonix to see Quinton and his family in Jan or Feb. Then I will be able to go on pass, after the holiday rush. Well, I'd better get my morning shower pretty soon. I have all this gunk in my hair and on my body where all the electrodes were hooked up. I feel all sticky and gooey. Yuk!! Waldo has allergies. He chewed on his foot until it got infected, so now he is taking antibiotics. I just wrap it in cheese and he gobbles it down. I heard on tv that one of the CA wildfires was set by a 10 year old playing with matches. A psychologist said the child obviously had psychological problems. She said that any child that plays with matches also tortures animals and has an emotional disease. If that is the case, then 3 of my 4 children are animal torturers with emotional diseases. psychologists that generalize like that kill me. What idiots!!!!

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